Improving the quality of care of those living with dementia across Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin.

What was the Dementia Project?

This project was developed by Partners in Care, in collaboration with NHS Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin Integrated Care Board (ICB) and ran from June 2022 to June 2024. The project aimed to improve the care and support given to residents living with dementia by adult social care providers and to provide the same high-quality levels of appropriate care and support whatever the setting in which a person lived.

senior woman drinking tea

Who led the Dementia Project?

Our Dementia Project Officer, Elinor Phillips, led on this project and a key part of her role was to act as a champion for dementia across the adult social care sector, whilst raising awareness of the importance of improving care and support for those living with dementia. Elinor developed multiple training courses, all available for members of Partners in Care.

Elinor’s role was to liaise with members of Partners in Care and other organisations daily, whilst also acting as a conduit between adult social care providers, the ICB, and wider stakeholders including the NHS Trusts and local authority partners.

Her role helped to signpost adult social care providers to other sources of support for those living with dementia including Admiral Nurses, Dementia Navigators, and peer support groups.

Objectives for the Dementia Project:

  • Enabled adult social care providers to access dementia awareness courses and other relevant training for their staff.
  • Supported adult social care providers to deliver high quality care and support for those living with dementia through dementia champion training and modelling best practice.
  • Supported adult social care providers to develop their leaders, in leading delivery of high-quality care and support for clients with dementia, whilst also looking at their own leadership style and establishment.

What was the training approach?

The project used a ‘whole-home approach’ which encouraged as many staff as possible in adult social care to take part in the free training being made available to them.

Impact of the Project

Year one of the project successfully delivered a three-tier training programme for care providers, focusing on Dementia Awareness, Dementia Champions and Dementia Leadership. As well as the three-tier programme, new course materials were developed and delivered, including the 3-D’s (Dementia, Delirium & Dehydration), Singing Medicine Workshops and the Dementia Awareness and Wellbeing Course which was created to support Wrekin Housing Group.

Year two of the project aimed to reduce unnecessary hospital attendance for care home residents due to dementia related illnesses such as urinary tract infections (UTIs), falls, respiratory infections, malnutrition, delirium and a change in presentation.

The project targeted specific homes to convey the importance of keeping the residents in their home and by helping to educate staff that residents are safer and happier in a familiar environment. This was achieved through the delivery of in-depth training on managing behaviours, getting the basics right in dementia care and accessing meaningful activities. By the end of year two, the Dementia Assessment Support Service (DASS) had experienced a reduction in referrals in 75% of the project care homes.

For more information or further support

If you would like to find out more about our current work with Dementia, please contact Elinor Phillips, Dementia Project Officer, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..