Our Safeguarding Adults Lead, Karen Littleford, recently developed and delivered some Safeguarding Adults and Safeguarding Children and Young People Lead Training for Health staff within the Primary Care Network (PCN) in Shropshire. This was a great opportunity for health staff who take a lead in safeguarding from different areas to come together to discuss safeguarding practice, form some lasting networks and identify good practice.

 We received some direct feedback from a learner after the training, they said:

“The training was really well received, and it updated and refreshed a lot of knowledge and brought together a team of people who didn’t realise they were colleagues. Most importantly, it’s raised the profile of safeguarding and explained it should be part of everything we do, not just an add on or tick box exercise.”

Training is a great tool, not only for learning and developing skills, but also for identifying good practice, updated guidance and to form supportive networks going forward.

If you are interested in bespoke Safeguarding or Professional Boundaries training, please contact Karen Littleford at Partners in Care to discuss your requirements - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.